Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Knees

I haven't had knee replacement surgery. I had  my ACL trimmed two years ago on my left knee, and was left with residual annoyance. Not pain, just steady discomfort. Last February I stepped in a rabbit hole, and limped for two months, just waiting until the point of intolerance before scheduling surgery for my right knee.

Again, this is NOT me! But it is the position that showed my new found knee flexibility!

I don't want to tout the practice of yoga as an instant orthopedic cure-all. But for me, it has brought complete relief of my knee pain. I went to a yin class this morning and was amazed that I was able to sit on the floor with my calves parallel to my thighs. I was even able to lie down with my legs in this position and hold the position for eight minutes - and, I was able to get out of the position.


  1. I think her leotard will become the new trend in yoga attire. You should go find yourself one!

  2. It didn't even look unusual for me - very 80's. Add some leg warmers and play Olivia Newton John singing "Let's Get Physical" and you have have the fitness craze of 1982!

  3. How exciting! I can tell that as my guads get stronger, my right knee isn't grumbling so much- it's great incentive to keep up the work. My current goal is to be able to get up easily from a comfy sofa or chair without help from my arms, and to do it gracefully would be nice too :-)
