Sunday, June 19, 2011

Feeling at home on my mat.

I like my mat. I have even had some passing thoughts about just sleeping on it- and about taking it to school to use instead of a desk. It's come to represent time and effort I exert to help my body and mind through this crazy aging process. Other fitness endeavors showed some benefits relative to my consistency, but this is the first endeavor that I have really enjoyed and seen such quick and good results. I'm sleeping a little less but feeling more rested. I am eating less without bouts of hunger. My energy level is up, so even though I am investing significant time at the studio, there is not a resultant drop in what I get accomplished. I'm getting callouses on the heel of my palms!

This post will get me to the 100 mark. As you know, that landmark was actually last week. I'm not sure I'll keep posting every day. I want to check in on occasion and journal my yoga thoughts. It's been a great journey - thanks to you who shared it with me.

Day 95 - My instructor has always said that each yoga pose is like a big onion. There is always another layer to peel. It feels great that I go through more layers with each pose, but I realize that this is a lifetime process. I'm curious how this will really affect my aging, and how my aging will affect my practice. I feel confident I can carry this into my 60's - that's pretty close on the horizon. If I continue my daily practice, will I be able to do a forward lunge at age 70? 80? Just typing those ages makes me realize they are not so far away!

Day 97 - I'm really excited and feel sure I will accomplish my goal. Today I wrote 97 tally marks on the edge of my mat. I'm counting down. Maybe I will keep up the tallies and end up with a border all the way around. This feels really good.

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