Spring has come to East Tennessee. There is a noted calm in the air, so evident after the recent fury and destruction of the weather. I am quite cognizant of my blessings and have a renewed appreciation for my home. It's my one day a week to practice yoga at home, I find myself on my deck with my mat. I love this time of year when I can be on my deck and not bothered my mosquitos. I'm thinking I will do a short practice, but the night is so calm and peaceful, I end up working for an hour under the stars. I'm thankful for the privacy of my backyard, and that I know enough about yoga to take myself through a good workout on my own. It was lovely to do this under the spring stars and beautiful moon.
Day 68 - I both work hard and relax with Yoga on the deck.
Day 71 - "Step to the front of your mat". Why does a command that sounds so simple stump me? I determine to practice this transition several times a day.
Day 74 - I try my first "power yoga" class. I have been avoiding it because of the word "power" and the stated heat of the room (90 degrees). I spent so much time being hot in my early 50's that I usually avoid hotness at all costs. I survive - and am thankful that they turned on the fans and AC before I passed out. I'm not sure I ever want to do it again, but I made it through.
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