Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rewind and Yoga 101

"It's your mat, your time and your body." "There is no judgment here." I learned in the early weeks of yoga that everyone is in a different place in their yoga practice. Well, I guess I knew I was in a different place - I just didn't realize that everyone was. My struggle in each class was intense - I was extremely aware of my clumsiness and hated the awkward ways I flowed from movement to movement. I had purchased ten classes and was determined to use them. I found a secret weapon on my remote control.

Our cable provider has yoga classes offered "on demand". I spent a few evenings alone in my den, on my mat, practicing a very basic yoga routine. When I didn't understand the words or the movement, I would hit rewind and watch the movement again. Then I would try it again. Mind you, I couldn't always do it, but I would start to see the movement in my head. And I would keep trying. Rewind/try, rewind/ try, rewind/try. OK - that helps.

Yoga 101 was being offered at my neighborhood studio. Since they weren't offering "yoga for dummies" or "remedial yoga" I thought that might be a workshop for me. The kind instructor spent two hours breaking down even the simplest poses. Forward fold, table top, downward facing dog, plank, even child's pose. We were able to stop, ask questions and try again. Like rewind in real life. Now the language is not sounding so foreign.

Yoga 101 also offered freedom. "My mat, my time, my body." "There is no judgment here." OK - that REALLY helps.

Class seven. Most of the language was becoming familiar. I smiled every time I heard something that I recognized, and giggled silently when I knew how to at least approximate the pose.

Class eight. I was almost late. How, in eight days does one accumulate so many black yoga pants to choose from?

Class Nine. I discovered yin. You hold each pose for extended periods of time. Relaxing poses designed to stretch out connective tissue in the joints. It's like taking a nap only better.

Decision time. My 10 classes are almost gone. What type of commitment am I willing to make to this new adventure?

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