Sunday, June 19, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Yin!

Some yoga classes seem longer than others. Most of the classes I attend last for an hour. It's kind of a hierarchy. Power yoga seem like two hours. Flow seems like an hour and a half. My Sunday yin class seems like it lasts fifteen minutes. That was exaggerated today by the real nap I took in the middle of it. I'm always a bit embarrassed when I doze off and then wake up and see that everyone else has moved on to another extended pose. I wonder how long I was out and if I made unattractive sleeping noises for my yoga buddies to hear. They say that it gives all the same benefits of a flow or power class. If that's the case, my vote is to make them all yin!

Have any of you ever done restorative yoga? I haven't and I am curious if it is similar to yin.

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