Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Making a Commitment

What if I really sink my teeth into this new interest? After nine sessions, I not only was free of the nagging knee pain, I am seeing other results. Things are firming up - seriously, after nine sessions. I dropped a pants size. During this same time, I am doing Weight Watchers on line. I have not lost an ounce, things are just trimming up. The physical activity and deep relaxation are doing wonderful things to my energy level and attention span. So, the question is - how much should I do this, and what type of commitment would give me a chance of really merging this into my lifestyle?

This is where the 100 day idea came in. I'm learning it slowly - so surely committing to a large chunk of time would give me a chance to at least become a beginner. Here we go - I purchased one month of UNLIMITED yoga. Yoga-East is a gift in many ways. One gift is its affordability. Here we go!!!!

Class eleven - this class actually becomes day one of my 100 day commitment.

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