I've been investigating ways to make sure I keep up my practice while I am traveling this summer. I plan to find a studio near the family's beach home, but it would be pretty expensive to do that daily. Exercise TV has some OK looking routines that I could do from my computer, and after 115 days I could probably come up with a few positions on my own. But I don't want to get bored with it - so, like I said, I have been looking.
I found a neat little Yoga treat for my Kindle. It's called "My Yoga Studio". It takes you through many series of poses, tells you how long to hold the pose, and gives a great written description of how to execute the pose correctly, and what to focus on.
It even leaves you with a closing thought. Today's was great for my upcoming vacation - "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving". Actually, that perfectly describes the travel philosophy of my husband. I'm afraid that for the past 32 years I have considered that a character flaw, and now I learn that it is actually ancient wisdom!
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