Have I mentioned that I'm a first grade teacher? There is nothing like the month of May in a school. The kids are rocking along, full of newly learned skills and ready to take on the academic world. Then the adults throw a monkey wrench in it all. We add all these events and things to do and we totally take these newly academic kids and put them into a frenzy in the last month of school. Every year it happens and stresses out the kids and then it stresses out the adults. It takes me by surprise every year that May is more stressful and hectic than December.
I find myself yearning for the peaceful hour that will come each day at Yoga. It's quiet, it smells good, it takes my whole mind not to kill myself on the mat so I really can't think of anything else during yoga. And the relaxing time at the end - is worth the exertion. I don't know if they do this at all studios, but at Yoga-East at the end of each session while we are relaxing, the instructors come around and give us little mini massages on our necks, and sometimes on our feet. They use special aroma therapy lotions that just make me want to melt into my mat and spend the night at the studio. Seriously, I have asked if I could do that. I'd buy a special spend-the-night package just so I didn't have to get up and leave when I am so relaxed.
Day 76 - In table top, the instructor asked us to grab our opposite ankle and pull up and arch our back - I think she called it making a bow. My brain said, "oh, right", but my body actually did it. What a stretch - and a surprise.
Day 84 - I am walking through my den, not realizing that I am thinking about yoga. The neurons in my brain make a sudden connection. All this time I have been trying to step to the front of my mat by bringing my knees toward my nose under my body. What if I went around instead? I put down the puppy and go to downward dog on my den floor. I reach up on my tip toes, take a deep breath and swing my foot around and it lands at the front of my mat by my hands. I can't believe it. Finally. I can't wait to go to class.
Day 85 - It still takes thought, I have to really exert some energy, but I step to the front of my mat IN ONE STEP (well, one on each side) throughout the practice. I call Michael in the car and text the girls to tell them the big news. Well, it wasn't that big of news to anyone but me - but I am stoked!
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